Bambara Language Profile
Language Identification ISO 639-2 bam Other names: Bamana Local name: Bamanankan Region: Southern and Central Mali Ethnic population: Bambara Bambara’s users: L1 speakers: 4.1 million; L2 speakers 10.000.000 Language family: Niger–Congo; Mande; Western Mande; Manding; East Manding; Bambara–Dyula Bambara Language Status: Since 1960 Bambara has become one of the official languages of Mali. Dialects: Somono, Segou, San, Beledugu, Ganadugu, Wasulu and Sikasso. Typology: Bambara has a subject–object–verb clause structure. Writing System: Latin alphabet, N’KO alphabet. DESCRIPTION OF BAMBARA LANGUAGE Bambara, also known as Bamana or Bamanankan is a lingua franca and one of the several national languages ofContinue Reading